? ??????????????Channing Tatum? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (141 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 5235 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????The Godfather? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (105 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 11059 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ??? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Editing - 16th December

We continued editing the new sound into our footage, making sure everything was in time. This included playing with the time, using the time-stretch tool to make the sound slower or faster, but not so that it was incredibly noticeable. With all that done we set to work updating our blogs. The things we've left to do, after returning after the Christmas holidays, is the recording of the Voice Over and adding that into our piece, the obtaining of music and to find a clip of the moon and an aeroplane.

Editing - 15th December

Finally we re-recorded our sound. We booked out a camera from the media room and stood outside, so that the environment matched that of the footage, and did 3 different takes of each line. Previously, we had watched through the footage many times so that we could see the distinct timing of each line so we knew what pace to say it at.
After having done that, we captured all the footage and sound to the computer and added it to the end of the film and began searching through the clips to find the best vocals. Once we found them, we moved them to the spot where they were intended and begun editing them in so that the continuity was right and they were in lip-sink.

Editing - 11th December

Today we learnt how to produce a freeze frame in our footage. We needed a still shot of the two protagonists at the beginning. We froze the shot at the point we wanted and clicked the freeze button, which took a still image of the shot. We then inserted it into our film and added text to it so that the protagonist's names came up, showing the audience who they are - as this is a common convention of Action-comedies.

Editing - 9th December

Due to our sound not working, we went through and removed all the spare sound clips.

Editing - 8th November

Today we focused on the titles. We looked through the entire catalogue of templates available on Adobe Premiere and chose two that we liked best. We then added these, one by one, to our footage, looking which one worked best - the second on ewe tried worked the best, with an orange painted arch on a black canvas, reminiscent of warmer countries like the Americas. We put our film title on the canvas, but it didn't look right, so we changed the colour of the font to make it seem less like a film about African wildlife. We then watched it through to make sure it ran alright as a film.

Editing - 2nd December

Following on from previously, we watched back through our piece to check we still agreed with the footage thus far. We then went on to find some music to play on top of the footage, that fitted with the specific media conventions. Unfortunately, the website we wanted to use - a site with ranging un-copyrighted music - would not let us play any of the clips. So we left that until we were on a broadband computer.
Instead, we began to work on the transitions of the scenes, making sure they flowed and didn't have anything that could affect continuity. We shortened clips so that they were the right length and didn't show us out of character, this also helped us to get close to the 2 minute limit set for the piece.

Editing - 1st December

To start with, we uploaded all our footage onto Adobe Premiere Elements and created a new folder, under the film title (The Quest), to save all media to. For the rest of the lesson we proceeded to cut the clips out that we had decided not to use and put them into the order we intended.
We also, with dreaded anticipation, waited to hear how the sound had turned out. When watching it back on the computer; we realised that, as we predicited, the sound had not recorded properly and there was only one sound byte that we could salvage and use. Therefore, we decided that we would have to dub all, bar the one clip, our sound.