? ??????????????Channing Tatum? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (141 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 5235 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????The Godfather? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (105 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 11059 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ??? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday 29 January 2010

Final Editing - 27th January 2010

Today we were determined to search for the perfect piece of music. We know of a site called FreePlayMusic.com that allows us to save and use un-copyrighted music. We listened to every song in the comedy and action/adventure styles but found nothing, therefore had to re-think our strategy and decided that listening to the songs in the Honky Tonk section might be plausible. Eventually we found two songs we liked that seemed to suit our trailer. We added them both to Adobe and put our favourite track on the footage and commenced changing the length and speed of the song. Having done so, we noticed that in places it was too loud so set about changing the decibels to fit with the tone of the particular scene and the volume of the voice over and characters. The whole thing completed, we watched it through, noticing that the ending did not fit as well as the rest of the trailer but decided to leave it for now and come back to it at a later date to see if it still seems out of sorts.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Editing - 22nd January 2010

With the sound completed, we focused on the scene transitions. We noticed, when researching, that the typical conventions of Action Comedies are different to the way our film was running. The scene transitions rarely just cut, but rather fade to show time change and often have other fun transitions such as pushes, spirals etc. Therefore, we went through our piece and edited in these other transitions. Now all that's left to do is the music.

Editing - 19th January 2010

With the voice over done, all we needed to focus on was the music and the two missing clips and their accompanying sounds. We began by searching for the clip we needed; an early evening moon shot. Whilst searching for this I found a beautiful shot of sun shining through the trees on what appears to be a campsite. We felt that it would be a better substitute for the 'perfect campsite' in the brochure than our hand held shot was, so we replaced it. We also found the shot of the moon we were looking for and put it onto Adobe and our trailer. The accompanying sound was found on the Internet and we added this to the clip also - the sound of an owl hooting. The last clip we needed was a shot of the sky, a bright sunny sky, to resemble that of a Tennessean sky. When added to the trailer, we then needed to an aeroplane noise, which we borrowed from another group who had used it last year. All the necessary clips and sound were added and was now finished.

Back to Editing - 12th January 2010

After a mass of Snow days we finally returned to editing our pieces. With all our filming done, and the new sound dubbed, fitting in with the footage, we continued with our to do list. The first thing on the agenda was to record our voice over. We found, after recording sound last year, that it was better to use a camera to record sound rather than an MP3 recorder, which failed to work a number of times. We had previously asked Nathan, a member of one of the other Media groups, if he wouldn't mind doing the voice over for our film, to which he had agreed.
During the lesson, as Nathan had none, we went to a quiet corridor - so the background noise was different to the sounds recorded outside - and began reading the lines from the script, making sure to do at least two takes of each line. After having done so, we returned to the IT suite and put the sound, with the footage, onto Adobe Premiere and picked the particular recording that sounded best. We cut the video and moved the audio to the place it belonged.
Whilst filming we incurred some problems that meant we had to leave out a certain scene, therefore meaning that we could not use some of the intended voice over as it did not now fit.