? ??????????????Channing Tatum? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (141 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 5235 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????The Godfather? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (105 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 11059 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ??? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday 24 November 2009


We began filming on 22nd November, unfortunately it was a miserable Sunday - more dreary than we had expected. Our shooting schedule planned for us to commence filming at 11:00am so we had decided to meet at 10:30am at the first location, my house. When everyone arrived we set up the equipment and got ourselves into our costumes. We had a major set back with the characters with one of the Actors not turning up; we improvised by using one player for two parts, using some clothes of mine to portray the character.
With some of our shots needing to be inside, but not necessarily in linear order, we chose to shoot them whilst we were there to avoid us having to keep moving the equipment and setting up again. We managed to start at 11:00 as planned and had done the first five shots in the time slots we had allocated. I also had to ask my younger sister to par-take to make up for the missing character. It was time for us to go out to our main location, the trail at the bottom of my street which is dense with trees, however, the rain had commenced in thrashing it down and we had to wait an hour before being able to leave, putting us half an hour behind schedule. Rather than waste time, we decided to set up the tent so that when it came to it we would know how to do it. Unfortunately, this did not go to plan and when the rain eventually subsided we were still at a loss as to how the tent should be put up. None the less, we carried all our equipment and props to the set and begun filming the last few scenes.
We faced even more problems whilst filming on the trail due to our missing Actor. We were not able to record certain scenes as it meant that Charlotte Pell would have to be two characters in one shot, we moved around this by simply cutting the extra character out. Also, due to the torrential rain pour, we were unable to do one of the comedic scenes - where Brandene falls over the tent legs - as the ground was too wet and muddy. Failing, yet again, to get the tent up, we improvised and got in the half erected tent to awkwardly film the sleeping scene.
One positive to the day was that we finished way ahead of schedule, we had planned to finish at 6:15pm but rather instead finished at 2:30pm.
Yet we occurred some more problems later in the day when we were watching back our filming we realised that the sound was not working on a number of the shots, not due to carelessness on our part, but as a technical fault with the microphone or camera that we knew not of. Rather than re-filming, which would be hard work if it could not be corrected another way, we decided to record the sounds separately.
All in all, our day of filming did not go as expected! We incurred many problems and I am less than enthusiastic to see how it turns out, hopefully it will succeed but there is a high chance we may have to re-film.