? ??????????????Channing Tatum? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (141 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 5235 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????The Godfather? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (105 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 11059 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ??? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday 22 April 2010

Media Questionnaire

1.What genre/s would you place the film in?

Emily Bacon – comedy
Hayley Bignall – comedy
Jess Brunt – Comedy
Carissa Leighton – Comedy
Matthew Daukintas – Action Comedy
Sophie Gaunt – Comedy
Lauren Mellors – Comedy/Action

2.Why would you place it in that genre or those particular genres?

Emily Bacon - because of the music and the cliché costumes
Hayley Bignall – music and the funny action at the end
Jess Brunt – the voice and characterisation
Carissa Leighton – For the characters and the music
Matthew Daukintas – Because the plot and characters make it obvious
Sophie Gaunt – The trailer had a lot of joke in it
Lauren Mellors – Because its funny, hilarious.

3.What about the film was recognisable from previous film trailers you have seen?

Emily Bacon – The music and titles, also the trip is very cliché
Hayley Bignall – When the music stops and action happens
Jess Brunt – Costumes
Carissa Leighton – everything
Matthew Daukintas – The characters and setting
Sophie Gaunt – The way it jumped back to the action after the credits
Lauren Mellors – The it jumped to different scenes, quite a lot of stuff

4.Did the trailer make sense in its sequencing?

Emily Bacon– Yes
Hayley Bignall – yes
Jess Brunt – yes
Carissa Leighton – yes
Matthew Daukintas – Yes, minus the last scene in the house
Sophie Gaunt – yes
Lauren Mellors - yes

5.Who appeared to be the main characters and why?

Emily Bacon – Charlene and Brandene, because they are the ones on the films poster, and they’re names are told in the trailer.
Hayley Bignall – Charlene and Brandene because they are the most predominantly featured characters in the trailer.
Jess Brunt – Brandene and Charlene as they are introduced at the beginning of the trailer
Carissa Leighton – Charlene and Brandene because they are introduced at the beginning of the trailer and are in it a lot.
Matthew Daukintas – Brandene and Charlene, as it said it on a shot freeze with text
Sophie Gaunt – Charlene and Brandene, due to how much they were in the trailer
Lauren Mellors – Brandene and Charlene because they were in the trailer a lot

6.Were the characters relatable, did you feel a connection with them and why?

Emily Bacon – yes, especially the two main characters as its something loads of people do (become tourists)
Hayley Bignall – yes, because lots of little girls want to break out and explore.
Jess Brunt - yes, because every time you go on holiday you always meet new people.
Carissa Leighton – yes, because the girls are similar ages to us
Matthew Daukintas – Partly, but I felt the lack of connection made it funnier
Sophie Gaunt – Yes, they were funny
Lauren Mellors – Yes, they were comical

7.What was your favourite part of the trailer and why?

Emily Bacon- The last part, with the hug, as it made me laugh when she fell over.
Hayley Bignall– the ending, because she fell over
Jess Brunt – When the two girls were hiding from the German man.
Carissa Leighton – When the tent fell down, as it’s a situation I have been in
Matthew Daukintas – The tent bit
Sophie Gaunt – “I didn’t bring no pants”
Lauren Mellors – “I didn’t bring no pants!”, made me laugh a lot

8.Did the music tie in well with the shots?

Emily Bacon – yes, it was fast paced, as was the action
Hayley Bignall – yes
Jess Brunt – Yes and showed the comedy genre
Carissa Leighton – Yes
Matthew Daukintas – yes
Sophie Gaunt - yes
Lauren Mellors – Yes, sounded like the right music for the characters

9.Did anything seem out of place in the trailer?

Emily Bacon – Nope, not really
Hayley Bignall – No
Jess Brunt – No
Carissa Leighton – No
Matthew Daukintas – Rob shouting
Sophie Gaunt – Nope
Lauren Mellors - No

10.Was it a good length or was it too short/long?

Emily Bacon– Think it was just right, if it was any longer it would have been a bit repetitive
Hayley Bignall– yes, it was perfect
Jess Brunt – Yes, kept the action going
Carissa Leighton – Yes, it was the right length
Matthew Daukintas – Good length
Sophie Gaunt – Good length
Lauren Mellors – Yeah it was a good length

11.Did the trailer compel you to watch the rest of the film and why?

Emily Bacon – yes, because I want to know what happens to the girls and if they go home or not.
Hayley Bignall – yes, I want to know anything bad happens to the German man or if he does anything to the girls!
Jess Brunt – Yes, I want to know what unfolds between the Hippy and the German bloke.
Carissa Leighton – yes, I want to see what happens to the characters
Matthew Daukintas – yes, because it was well sequenced
Sophie Gaunt – Yes
Lauren Mellors – Yes, because it was funny and I would like to know what happens in the end

12.Which trailer if any does it most resemble?

Emily Bacon– Without A Paddle
Hayley Bignall – Without A Paddle
Jess Brunt – What Happens in Vegas
Carissa Leighton - Tropic Thunder
Matthew Daukintas – Without a Paddle
Sophie Gaunt – Without a Paddle
Lauren Mellors – Without a Paddle

13.Was the plot clear to you?

Emily Bacon – yes because we guessed what happened.
Hayley Bignall – Yes
Jess Brunt – Definitely
Carissa Leighton– yes, it was.
Matthew Daukintas – yes, they go to England and encounter trouble
Sophie Gaunt – Yes
Lauren Mellors - Yes